Getting started


GeoNetworkX can be installed with pip with the following command:

pip install geonetworkx


GeoNetworkX needs packages that have C dependencies that may need to be compiled and installed manually (shapely, fiona, pyproj and rtree). For Windows users, wheels can be found at Christopher Gohlke’s website.

What’s a GeoGraph ?

A geograph is an object extending classical graph definition with topological space. For example, it can be a road network where edges represent streets and nodes represent their intersection. Other applications can be found in electrical networks, railway networks, etc. Mathematically, a geograph is defined with the following elements:

  • A topological space \(S\) with a distance measurement application \(d: S \times S \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+\)

  • A graph \(G(N, E)\) with \(N\) a finite set of vertices and \(E \subset N^2\) at set of pairs of vertices.

  • \(P := \bigcup_{n \in N} p_n\) with \(p_n \in S\) the coordinates of the node \(n\).

  • \(L := \bigcup_{(u, v) \in E} l_{u, v}\) with \(l_{u, v} \subset S\) a topological curve starting at \(p_u\) and ending at \(p_v\).

The space \(S\) is usually here considered to be \(\mathbb{R}^2\) with the euclidian distance, or the WGS84 spheroid with the great-circle distance (or Vincenty distance).

Closest edge rule

The implementation uses the closest edge rule to connect a topological point \(p \in S\) to a geograph. This rule define a connection point \(i_p\) :

\[i_p := \text{proj}_{L}(p) = \text{argmin}\{d(p, x) | x \in L\}\]

This rule allows to connect any point of the topological space to the geograph. In the street network example, it means finding the closest street for starting a trip.

Implementation details

The implementation of geographs in GeoNetworkX is based on the following hypothesis:

  • All nodes have coordinates stored in a shapely.geometry.Point object.

  • Edges may have geometry stored in a shapely.geometry.LineString object.

  • A geograph may have a Coordinate Reference System (CRS) using GeoPandas implementation.

An edge may not have a geometry but it is supposed that it can be deduced by a simple “straight” line between the two nodes.