Reading and Writing Files

Reading Spatial Data

As GeoNetworkX provides an interface to geopandas for the nodes and edges, it is possible to read data from any vector-based spatial data supported by geopandas (including ESRI Shapefile and GeoJSON).

Nodes and edges can be added to a given graph with the following methods:

import geonetworkx as gnx
# Adding nodes and edges to an existing graph
g = gnx.GeoGraph()
gnx.read_geofiles(nodes_path, edges_path, directed=True, multigraph=True)

# Creating a graph from existing files
g = gnx.read_geofiles("copenhagen_streets_net_nodes.geojson",
                      edges_path, directed=True, multigraph=True)

Writing Spatial Data

Geographs can be exported to same file formats as geopandas. Two files are used to write a GeoGraph: one for nodes and one for edges. All the attributes of the nodes and of the edges will be added in the files. If an attribute type is not handled by fiona drivers, an attempt is made to cast it (see gnx.write_geofile for more details). = "streets_graph"
gnx.write_geofile(g, "test/path/", driver="GeoJSON")

The above code will write two GeoJSON files: test/path/streets_graph_nodes.geojson and test/path/streets_graph_edges.geojson that can be directly read with GIS software.