Supplement data

Computing distances

GeoNetworkX provides methods to compute distances within the coordinate reference system of the graph. Typically, a method is given to add a length attribute on edges. Different methods are available: euclidian distance but also geodesic, great-circle or Vincenty distance (wrapped from geopy). All available distances are stored within the dictionary DISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_METHODS.

>>> import geonetworkx as gnx
>>> g = gnx.GeoGraph(crs=gnx.WGS84_CRS)
>>> g.add_edge(1, 2, geometry=gnx.LineString([(-73.614, 45.504), (-73.632, 45.506)]))
>>> gnx.fill_length_attribute(g)  # using geodesic distance
>>> print(g.edges[(1, 2)]["length"])
>>> g.to_utm(inplace=True)
>>> gnx.fill_length_attribute(g, only_missing=False)
>>> print(g.edges[(1, 2)]["length"])  # using euclidian distance in UTM

A custom distance measurement method can be used by defining the appropriate method in the settings. Here is an example implementing the Manhattan distance:

>>> def manhattan(p1, p2):
...     return abs(p1.x - p2.x) + abs(p1.y - p2.y)
>>> gnx.settings.DISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_METHODS["manhattan"] = manhattan
>>> gnx.fill_length_attribute(g, only_missing=False, method="manhattan")  # using manhattan distance
>>> print(g.edges[(1, 2)]["length"])

Getting elevation data

The elevation of nodes points can be filled as an attribute through the SRTM package.

>>> import geonetworkx as gnx
>>> g = gnx.GeoGraph(crs=gnx.WGS84_CRS)
>>> g.add_node(1, gnx.Point(5.145, 45.213))
>>> gnx.fill_elevation_attribute(g)
>>> print(g.nodes[1]["elevation[m]"])