Source code for geonetworkx.geograph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base class for geographic graphs"""
import networkx as nx
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, MultiPoint
import geonetworkx as gnx
import geonetworkx.settings as settings
import itertools

[docs]class GeoGraph(nx.Graph): """This class extends the ``networkx.Graph`` to represent a graph that have a geographical meaning. Nodes are located with their coordinates (x, y) (using ``shapely.geometry.Point`` objects) and edges can be represented with a given broken line (using ``shapely.geometry.LineString`` objects). Each graph has its own keys for naming nodes and edges geometry (``nodes_geometry_key``, ``edges_geometry_key``). A coordinate reference system (CRS) can be defined for a graph and will be used for some methods managing earth coordinates (especially for distances). All nodes must have defined coordinates, otherwise a default coordinates are used. Raises ------ ValueError If the all nodes don't have valid coordinates. See Also -------- networkx.Graph GeoDiGraph GeoMultiGraph GeoMultiDiGraph """ DEFAULT_NODE_GEOMETRY = Point(0, 0)
[docs] def get_default_node_dict(self): """Return the default node attribute dictionary.""" return {self.nodes_geometry_key: self.default_node_geometry}
def __init__(self, incoming_graph_data=None, **attr): self.default_node_geometry = attr.get("default_node_geometry", self.DEFAULT_NODE_GEOMETRY) self.node_attr_dict_factory = self.get_default_node_dict super(GeoGraph, self).__init__(incoming_graph_data, **attr) self.check_nodes_validity()
[docs] def check_nodes_validity(self): """Check that all nodes have geometries.""" for n, node_data in self.nodes(data=True): self.node_attr_dict_check(node_data)
[docs] def node_attr_dict_check(self, attr): """Check that the given attribute dictionary contains mandatory fields for a node.""" if self.nodes_geometry_key not in attr: raise ValueError("Node geometry must be in node attributes.")
@property def nodes_geometry_key(self): """Attribute name for the edges geometry attributes. This graph attribute appears in the attribute dict `G.graph` keyed by the string ``"edges_geometry_key"`` as well as an attribute ``G.nodes_geometry_key``""" return self.graph.get('nodes_geometry_key', settings.NODES_GEOMETRY_DEFAULT_KEY) @nodes_geometry_key.setter def nodes_geometry_key(self, s: str): """Sets the node geometry key with the given value""" self.graph['nodes_geometry_key'] = s @property def edges_geometry_key(self): """Attribute name for the edges geometry attributes. This graph attribute appears in the attribute dict `G.graph` keyed by the string ``"edges_geometry_key"`` as well as an attribute ``G.edges_geometry_key``""" return self.graph.get('edges_geometry_key', settings.EDGES_GEOMETRY_DEFAULT_KEY) @edges_geometry_key.setter def edges_geometry_key(self, s: str): """Sets the edges geometry key with the given value""" self.graph['edges_geometry_key'] = s @property def crs(self): """Coordinate Reference System of the graph. This graph attribute appears in the attribute dict `G.graph` keyed by the string ``"crs"`` as well as an attribute ````""" return self.graph.get('crs', gnx.DEFAULT_CRS) @crs.setter def crs(self, c): """Sets the current crs""" self.graph['crs'] = c
[docs] def get_node_coordinates(self, node_name) -> list: """Return the coordinates of the given node. Parameters ---------- node_name Name of the node on which the coordinates are browsed. Returns ------- list A two-element list containing (x,y) coordinates of the given node. See Also -------- get_nodes_coordinates, get_node_as_point, get_nodes_as_points """ point = self.get_node_as_point(node_name) return [point.x, point.y]
[docs] def get_nodes_coordinates(self) -> dict: """Return all nodes coordinates within a dictionary. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the coordinates of the each node of the graph. See Also -------- get_node_coordinates, get_node_as_point, get_nodes_as_points """ return {n: self.get_node_coordinates(n) for n in self.nodes}
[docs] def get_node_as_point(self, node_name): """Return a node as a ``shapely.geometry.Point`` object. Parameters ---------- node_name : Name of the node on which the geometry is browsed. Returns ------- shapely.geometry.Point The point representing the located node. See Also -------- get_node_coordinates, get_node_coordinates, get_nodes_as_points """ node_data = self.nodes[node_name] return node_data[self.nodes_geometry_key]
[docs] def get_nodes_as_points(self) -> dict: """Return all nodes as ``shapely.geometry.Point`` objects within a dictionary. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the geometry of each node of the graph. See Also -------- get_node_coordinates, get_node_coordinates, get_node_as_point """ return {n: self.get_node_as_point(n) for n in self.nodes}
[docs] def get_nodes_as_point_series(self) -> gpd.GeoSeries: """Return the nodes as a ``geopandas.GeoSeries`` of ``shapely.geometry.Point``. Returns ------- gpd.GeoSeries Series containing all nodes geometries. Its CRS is the graph CRS. See Also -------- nodes_to_gdf, get_edges_as_line_series """ nodes_as_points = self.get_nodes_as_points() point_series = gpd.GeoSeries(nodes_as_points) = return point_series
[docs] def get_nodes_as_multipoint(self) -> MultiPoint: """Return nodes geometries as a ``shapely.geometry.MultiPoint``. Returns ------- MultiPoint MutltiPoint containing all nodes geometries. """ return MultiPoint([self.get_node_as_point(n) for n in self.nodes])
[docs] def get_edges_as_line_series(self) -> gpd.GeoSeries: """Return the edges as a ``geopandas.GeoSeries`` of ``shapely.geometry.LineString``. Returns ------- gpd.GeoSeries Series containing all edges geometries. Its CRS is the graph CRS. See Also -------- edges_to_gdf, get_nodes_as_point_series """ lines = nx.get_edge_attributes(self, self.edges_geometry_key) line_series = gpd.GeoSeries(lines) = return line_series
[docs] def get_spatial_keys(self) -> dict: """Return the current graph spatial keys. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing spatial keys (nodes and edges geometry keys and crs). """ return {'nodes_geometry_key': self.nodes_geometry_key, 'edges_geometry_key': self.edges_geometry_key, 'crs':}
[docs] def set_nodes_coordinates(self, coordinates: dict): """Set nodes coordinates with a given dictionary of coordinates (can be used for a subset of all nodes). Parameters ---------- coordinates: dict : Dictionary mapping node names and two-element list of coordinates. """ for n, coords in coordinates.items(): node_data = self.nodes[n] node_data[self.nodes_geometry_key] = Point(coords)
[docs] def to_nx_class(self): """Return the closest networkx class (in the inheritance graph).""" return nx.Graph
[docs] def copy(self, as_view=False): """Return a copy of the graph (see ``networkx.Graph.copy``).""" nx_graph_class = self.to_nx_class() graph = nx_graph_class.copy(self, as_view) return self.__class__(graph)
[docs] def to_directed(self, as_view=False): """Return a directed representation of the graph (see ``networkx.Graph.to_directed``).""" if as_view: return nx.Graph.to_directed(self, as_view) else: graph_class = self.to_directed_class() directed_graph = nx.Graph.to_directed(self, as_view) return graph_class(directed_graph)
[docs] def to_directed_class(self): """Returns the class to use for empty directed copies (see ``networkx.Graph.to_directed_class``).""" return gnx.GeoDiGraph
[docs] def to_undirected(self, as_view=False): """Return an undirected copy of the graph (see ``networkx.Graph.to_undirected``).""" if as_view: return nx.Graph.to_undirected(self, as_view) else: graph_class = self.to_undirected_class() undirected_graph = nx.Graph.to_undirected(self, as_view) return graph_class(undirected_graph)
[docs] def to_undirected_class(self): """Returns the class to use for empty undirected copies (see ``networkx.Graph.to_undirected_class``).""" return gnx.GeoGraph
[docs] def to_crs(self, crs=None, epsg=None, inplace=False): """Transform nodes and edges geometries to a new coordinate reference system. Parameters ---------- crs : dict or str Output projection parameters as string or in dictionary form (Default value = None). epsg : int EPSG code specifying output projection. inplace : bool If True, the modification is done inplace, otherwise a new graph is created (Default value = False). Returns ------- None or GeoGraph Nothing is returned if the transformation is inplace, a new GeoGraph is returned otherwise. See Also -------- geopandas.GeoSeries.to_crs """ if is None: raise ValueError('Cannot transform naive geometries. Please set a crs on the graph first.') if inplace: graph = self else: graph = self.copy() # Get new nodes coordinates nodes_as_points = graph.get_nodes_as_point_series() transformed_nodes = nodes_as_points.to_crs(crs, epsg) # Get new edges coordinates edges_as_lines = graph.get_edges_as_line_series() transformed_edges = edges_as_lines.to_crs(crs, epsg) # Operate the transformation for n, point in transformed_nodes.iteritems(): node_data = graph.nodes[n] node_data[graph.nodes_geometry_key] = point for e, line in transformed_edges.iteritems(): edge_data = graph.edges[e] edge_data[graph.edges_geometry_key] = line = if not inplace: return graph
[docs] def add_node(self, node_for_adding, geometry=None, **attr): """Add a single node `node_for_adding` with its given geometry. See Also -------- nx.Graph.add_node add_nodes_from Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> g = gnx.GeoGraph() >>> g.add_node(1, gnx.Point(2, 3)) >>> print(g.nodes[1]["geometry"]) POINT (2 3) """ if geometry is not None: attr.update({self.nodes_geometry_key: geometry}) super().add_node(node_for_adding, **attr)
[docs] def add_nodes_from(self, nodes_for_adding, **attr): """Add multiple nodes with potentially given geometries. If no geometry is provided, behaviour is same as the ``nx.Graph.add_nodes_from`` method. See Also -------- nx.Graph.add_nodes_from add_node Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> g = gnx.GeoGraph() >>> g.add_nodes_from([(1, gnx.Point(1, 1)), ... (2, gnx.Point(2, 1)), ... (3, gnx.Point(3, 1))]) >>> print(g.nodes[2]["geometry"]) POINT (2 1) """ geom_key = self.nodes_geometry_key def format_element(n): try: nn, p = n if isinstance(p, Point): return nn, {geom_key: p} except (TypeError, ValueError): pass return n nodes_for_adding_formatted = map(format_element, nodes_for_adding) super().add_nodes_from(nodes_for_adding_formatted, **attr)
[docs] def _get_nodes_geometries_from_edge_geometry(self, u, v, geometry): """For each node of the edge, return the node geometry deduced from the linestring if it not already present.""" u_geometry = v_geometry = None if isinstance(geometry, LineString): if u not in self._node: u_geometry = Point(geometry.coords[0]) if v not in self._node: v_geometry = Point(geometry.coords[-1]) return u_geometry, v_geometry
[docs] def add_edge(self, u_of_edge, v_of_edge, **attr): """Add an edge between u and v. If one of the node is not already in the graph and a geometry is provided, the node geometry is deduced from the first or last point of the linestring. Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> g = gnx.GeoGraph() >>> g.add_edge(1, 2, geometry=gnx.LineString([(0, 0), (1, 1)])) >>> print(g.nodes[2]["geometry"]) POINT (1 1) """ u_geometry, v_geometry = self._get_nodes_geometries_from_edge_geometry(u_of_edge, v_of_edge, attr.get(self.edges_geometry_key, None)) self.to_nx_class().add_edge(self, u_of_edge, v_of_edge, **attr) if u_geometry is not None: self.nodes[u_of_edge][self.nodes_geometry_key] = u_geometry if v_geometry is not None: self.nodes[v_of_edge][self.nodes_geometry_key] = v_geometry
[docs] def _get_nodes_geometries_to_set_for_edges_adding(self, ebunch_to_add, attr): """Return a dictionary of nodes geometries to set when adding a set of edges.""" nodes_geometry_to_set = dict() for e in ebunch_to_add: ne = len(e) edge_geometry = attr.get(self.edges_geometry_key, None) if ne == 3: try: edge_geometry = e[2].get(self.edges_geometry_key, None) except: pass elif ne == 4 and self.edges_geometry_key in e[3]: edge_geometry = e[3][self.edges_geometry_key] u, v = e[0], e[1] u_geometry, v_geometry = self._get_nodes_geometries_from_edge_geometry(u, v, edge_geometry) if u_geometry is not None and u not in nodes_geometry_to_set: nodes_geometry_to_set[u] = u_geometry if v_geometry is not None and v not in nodes_geometry_to_set: nodes_geometry_to_set[v] = v_geometry return nodes_geometry_to_set
[docs] def add_edges_from(self, ebunch_to_add, **attr): """Add all the edges in ebunch_to_add and add nodes geometry if they are not present. If one of the node is not already in the graph and a geometry is provided, the node geometry is deduced from the first or last point of the linestring. Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> g = gnx.GeoGraph() >>> g.add_edges_from([(0, 1, dict(geometry=gnx.LineString([(0, 0), (1, 1)]))), ... (1, 2, dict(geometry=gnx.LineString([(1, 1), (2, 2)])))]) >>> print(g.nodes[2]["geometry"]) POINT (2 2) >>> g = gnx.GeoMultiGraph() >>> g.add_edges_from([(0, 1, 7, dict(geometry=gnx.LineString([(-1, 0), (1, 1)]))), ... (1, 2, 8, dict(geometry=gnx.LineString([(1, 1), (2, 2)])))]) [7, 8] >>> print(g.nodes[1]["geometry"]) POINT (1 1) See Also -------- add_edge nx.Graph.add_edges_from """ r1, r2 = itertools.tee(ebunch_to_add) # in case a generator is passed nodes_geometry_to_set = self._get_nodes_geometries_to_set_for_edges_adding(r1, attr) result = super().add_edges_from(r2, **attr) for u, g in nodes_geometry_to_set.items(): self.nodes[u][self.nodes_geometry_key] = g if result is not None: return result
[docs] def to_utm(self, inplace=False): """Project graph coordinates to the corresponding UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) Parameters ---------- inplace : bool If True, the modification is done inplace, otherwise a new graph is returned (Default value = False). Example ------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> from shapely.geometry import Point >>> g = gnx.GeoGraph(crs=gnx.WGS84_CRS) >>> g.add_edge(1, 2, geometry=gnx.LineString([(4.28, 45.5), (4.32, 45.48)])) >>> g.to_utm(inplace=True) >>> print( +proj=utm +zone=31 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs >>> print(g.nodes[1]["geometry"]) POINT (600002.1723317318 5039293.296216004) See Also -------- to_crs """ graph_centroid = self.get_nodes_as_multipoint().centroid utm_crs = gnx.get_utm_crs(graph_centroid) if inplace: self.to_crs(utm_crs, inplace=True) else: return self.to_crs(utm_crs, inplace=False)
[docs] def nodes_to_gdf(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Create a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` from nodes of the current graph. The column representing the geometry is named after the current ``nodes_geometry_key`` attribute. Returns ------- gpd.GeoDataFrame The resulting GeoDataFrame : one row is a node See Also -------- get_nodes_as_point_series, edges_to_gdf """ nodes = {node: data for node, data in self.nodes(data=True)} gdf_nodes = gpd.GeoDataFrame(nodes).T gdf_nodes[settings.NODE_ID_COLUMN_NAME] = gdf_nodes.index gdf_nodes.set_geometry(self.nodes_geometry_key, inplace=True) = return gdf_nodes
[docs] def edges_to_gdf(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Create a ``gpd.GeoDataFrame`` from edges of the current graph. The column representing the geometry is named after the current ``edges_geometry_key`` attribute. Returns ------- gdf_edges: geopandas.GeoDataFrame The resulting GeoDataFrame : one row is an edge See Also -------- get_edges_as_line_series, nodes_to_gdf """ # create a list to hold our edges, then loop through each edge in the graph edges = [] for u, v, data in self.edges(data=True): # for each edge, add key and all attributes in data dict to the edge_details edge_details = {settings.EDGE_FIRST_NODE_COLUMN_NAME: u, settings.EDGE_SECOND_NODE_COLUMN_NAME: v} edge_details.update(data) # if edge doesn't already have a geometry attribute, create one now if self.edges_geometry_key not in data: point_u = self.nodes[u][self.nodes_geometry_key] point_v = self.nodes[v][self.nodes_geometry_key] edge_details[self.edges_geometry_key] = LineString([point_u, point_v]) edges.append(edge_details) # create a GeoDataFrame from the list of edges and set the CRS gdf_edges = gpd.GeoDataFrame(edges) gdf_edges.set_geometry(self.edges_geometry_key, inplace=True) = return gdf_edges
[docs] def add_nodes_from_gdf(self, gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, node_index_attr=None): """Add nodes with the given `GeoDataFrame` and fill nodes attributes with the geodataframe columns. Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame representing nodes to add (one row for one node). node_index_attr : Node index attribute for labeling nodes. If ``None``, the dataframe index is used, else the given column is used. (Default value = None) See Also -------- add_edges_from_gdf """ if not (gnx.is_null_crs( or gnx.is_null_crs( or gnx.crs_equals(, gdf = gdf.to_crs(, inplace=False) if node_index_attr is not None: gdf = gdf.set_index(node_index_attr, drop=True, inplace=False) if gdf._geometry_column_name != self.nodes_geometry_key: gdf = gdf.rename(columns={gdf._geometry_column_name: self.nodes_geometry_key}, inplace=False) gdf.set_geometry(self.nodes_geometry_key, inplace=True) self.add_nodes_from(gdf.iterrows()) self.check_nodes_validity()
[docs] def add_edges_from_gdf(self, gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, edge_first_node_attr=None, edge_second_node_attr=None): """Add edges with the given `GeoDataFrame`. If no dataframe columns are specified for first and second node, the dataframe index must be a multi-index `(u, v)`. Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame representing edges to add (one row for one edge). edge_first_node_attr : Edge first node attribute. If ``None``, the dataframe index is used, else the given column is used. Must be used with ``edge_second_node_attr``. (Default value = None) edge_second_node_attr : Edge second node attribute. If ``None``, the dataframe index is used, else the given column is used. Must be used with ``edge_first_node_attr``. (Default value = None) See Also -------- add_nodes_from_gdf """ if not (gnx.is_null_crs( or gnx.is_null_crs( or gnx.crs_equals(, gdf = gdf.to_crs(, inplace=False) if edge_first_node_attr is not None and edge_second_node_attr is not None: gdf = gdf.set_index([edge_first_node_attr, edge_second_node_attr], drop=True, inplace=False) if gdf._geometry_column_name != self.edges_geometry_key: gdf = gdf.rename(columns={gdf._geometry_column_name: self.edges_geometry_key}, inplace=False) gdf.set_geometry(self.edges_geometry_key, inplace=True) self.add_edges_from((*r[0], r[1]) for r in gdf.iterrows())