Source code for geonetworkx.geomultigraph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import networkx as nx
import geonetworkx as gnx

[docs]class GeoMultiGraph(gnx.GeoGraph, nx.MultiGraph): """A undirected geographic graph class that can store multiedges."""
[docs] def to_nx_class(self): """Return the closest networkx class (in the inheritance graph).""" return nx.MultiGraph
[docs] def to_directed(self, as_view=False): """Return a directed representation of the graph (see ``networkx.MultiGraph.to_directed``).""" if as_view: return nx.MultiGraph.to_directed(self, as_view) else: graph_class = self.to_directed_class() directed_graph = nx.MultiGraph.to_directed(self, as_view) return graph_class(directed_graph)
[docs] def to_directed_class(self): """Returns the class to use for empty directed copies (see ``networkx.MultiGraph.to_directed_class``).""" return gnx.GeoMultiDiGraph
[docs] def to_undirected(self, as_view=False): """Return an undirected copy of the graph (see ``networkx.MultiGraph.to_undirected``).""" if as_view: return nx.MultiGraph.to_undirected(self, as_view) else: graph_class = self.to_undirected_class() undirected_graph = nx.MultiGraph.to_undirected(self, as_view) return graph_class(undirected_graph)
[docs] def to_undirected_class(self): """Returns the class to use for empty undirected copies (see ``networkx.MultiGraph.to_undirected_class``)..""" return GeoMultiGraph
[docs] def add_edge(self, u_for_edge, v_for_edge, key=None, **attr): """Add a single edge. This method exists only for reflecting nx.MultiGraph method so that the multiple inheritance scheme works. Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> g = gnx.GeoMultiGraph() >>> g.add_edge(1, 2, 0, geometry=gnx.LineString([(5, 4), (2, 7)])) 0 >>> print(g.nodes[1]["geometry"]) POINT (5 4) """ u_geometry, v_geometry = self._get_nodes_geometries_from_edge_geometry(u_for_edge, v_for_edge, attr.get(self.edges_geometry_key, None)) result = self.to_nx_class().add_edge(self, u_for_edge, v_for_edge, key, **attr) if u_geometry is not None: self.nodes[u_for_edge][self.nodes_geometry_key] = u_geometry if v_geometry is not None: self.nodes[v_for_edge][self.nodes_geometry_key] = v_geometry return result