Source code for geonetworkx.utils.geograph_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, MultiPoint
import geopy.distance
import pyproj
from geonetworkx.geometry_operations import coordinates_almost_equal, insert_point_in_line
from geonetworkx.geograph import GeoGraph
import geonetworkx.settings as settings
from typing import Iterable
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    import srtm
except ImportError:
    srtm = None

[docs]def get_crs_as_str(crs) -> str: """Return the given CRS as string ``pyproj.Proj`` methods.""" proj = pyproj.Proj(crs) return proj.definition_string()
[docs]def is_null_crs(crs) -> bool: """Test for null crs values.""" if crs is None: return True if isinstance(crs, dict) and crs == dict(): return True if isinstance(crs, str) and crs == '': return True return False
[docs]def crs_equals(crs1, crs2) -> bool: """Compare CRS using ``pyproj.Proj`` objects.""" if is_null_crs(crs1) or is_null_crs(crs1): return False return get_crs_as_str(crs1) == get_crs_as_str(crs2)
[docs]def get_utm_crs(p: Point): """Return the Universal Transverse Mercator CRS with a given in point in long-lat format.""" longitude = p.x utm_zone = int(math.floor((longitude + 180) / 6.0) + 1) return pyproj.CRS("+proj=utm +zone=%d +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" % utm_zone)
[docs]def vincenty_distance_coordinates(p1, p2) -> float: """Returns the vincenty distance in meters with given coordinates.""" return geopy.distance.vincenty((p1[1], p1[0]), (p2[1], p2[0])).meters
[docs]def vincenty_distance(p1: Point, p2: Point) -> float: """Return ``geopy`` great circle distance with two given point in the long/lat format. Parameters ---------- p1 First 2D point p2 Second 2D point Returns ------- The vincenty distance in meters. Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> p1 = gnx.Point(-73.614, 45.504) # long/lat format >>> p2 = gnx.Point(-73.632, 45.506) >>> "%.2f" % gnx.vincenty_distance(p1, p2) '1424.17' """ return vincenty_distance_coordinates([p1.x, p1.y], [p2.x, p2.y])
[docs]def great_circle_distance(p1: Point, p2: Point) -> float: """Return ``geopy`` great circle distance with two given point in the long/lat format. Parameters ---------- p1 First 2D point p2 Second 2D point Returns ------- The great circle distance in meters. Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> p1 = gnx.Point(-73.614, 45.504) # long/lat format >>> p2 = gnx.Point(-73.632, 45.506) >>> "%.2f" % gnx.great_circle_distance(p1, p2) '1420.27' """ return geopy.distance.great_circle((p1.y, p1.x), (p2.y, p2.x)).meters
[docs]def geodesic_distance(p1: Point, p2: Point) -> float: """Return ``geopy`` geodesic distance with two given point in the long/lat format. Parameters ---------- p1 First 2D point p2 Second 2D point Returns ------- The geodesic distance in meters. Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> p1 = gnx.Point(-73.614, 45.504) # long/lat format >>> p2 = gnx.Point(-73.632, 45.506) >>> "%.2f" % gnx.geodesic_distance(p1, p2) '1424.17' """ return geopy.distance.geodesic((p1.y, p1.x), (p2.y, p2.x)).meters
[docs]def approx_map_unit_factor(point: Point, tolerance=1e-7, method="geodesic") -> float: """Compute a linear approximation of the map unit factor ``u`` for 1 meter: .. math:: d(p_1, p_2) \approx ||p1 - p2||_2 \times u This can be useful to not change the CRS of geograph. The approximation can be very wrong for long distances. Parameters ---------- point Point where the approximation is computed. tolerance Precision for the iterative method method Distance method (geodesic, great_circle, vincenty) Returns ------- The linear approximation unit factor. Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> p1 = gnx.Point(-73.614, 45.504) >>> u = gnx.approx_map_unit_factor(p1) >>> p2 = gnx.Point(-73.613, 45.502) >>> "%.2f" % gnx.geodesic_distance(p1, p2) '235.62' >>> "%.2f" % (gnx.euclidian_distance(p1, p2) / u) '214.83' """ def f(c1, c2): return get_distance(Point(c1), Point(c2), method) centroid = np.array(point) lower_bound = centroid initial_gap = tolerance while f(centroid, centroid + initial_gap) < 1.0: initial_gap *= 2 upper_bound = centroid + initial_gap unit_point = (lower_bound + upper_bound) / 2 distance = f(centroid, unit_point) iteration = 0 max_iterations = 10000 while np.abs(distance - 1.0) > tolerance: if distance > 1.0: upper_bound = unit_point else: lower_bound = unit_point unit_point = (lower_bound + upper_bound) / 2 distance = f(centroid, unit_point) iteration += 1 if iteration > max_iterations: break return np.linalg.norm(centroid - unit_point)
[docs]def measure_line_distance(line: LineString, method: str) -> float: """Measure the length of a shapely LineString object using the vincenty distance. Parameters ---------- line Linestring to measure. Coordinates have to be (in the WGS-84 ellipsoid model) method Method to compute the distance Returns ------- float distance in meters of the linestring. """ coords = line.coords if len(coords) < 2: return 0.0 u = Point(coords[0]) total_distance = 0.0 for i in range(1, len(coords)): v = Point(coords[i]) total_distance += get_distance(u, v, method) u = v return total_distance
[docs]def get_new_node_unique_name(graph: nx.Graph, name: str): """Return a new unique node name from an initial node name. A counter suffix is added at the end if the node name is already used. Parameters ---------- graph : nx.Graph A given graph name : str A initial node name Returns ------- str A unique name not in ``graph.nodes()``. """ if name not in graph.nodes(): return name else: ct = 1 unique_name = name while unique_name in graph.nodes(): ct += 1 unique_name = "%s_%d" % (str(name), ct) return unique_name
[docs]def euclidian_distance_coordinates(c1: Iterable, c2: Iterable) -> float: """Return the euclidian distance between the two sets of coordinates.""" return math.sqrt(sum(((i - j) ** 2 for i, j in zip(c1, c2))))
[docs]def euclidian_distance(p1: Point, p2: Point) -> float: """Return the euclidian distance between the two points Parameters ---------- p1 : Point The first shapely Point p2 : Point The second shapely Point Returns ------- float The euclidian distance """ return euclidian_distance_coordinates((p1.x, p1.y), (p2.x, p2.y))
[docs]def fill_edges_missing_geometry_attributes(graph: GeoGraph): """Add a geometry attribute to the edges that don't have any. The created geometry is a straight line between the two nodes. Parameters ---------- graph : GeoGraph graph to fill """ edges = dict(graph.edges) nodes = dict(graph.nodes) for s in edges: if graph.edges_geometry_key not in edges[s]: if graph.nodes_geometry_key in nodes[s[0]] and graph.nodes_geometry_key in nodes[s[1]]: p1 = nodes[s[0]][graph.nodes_geometry_key] p2 = nodes[s[1]][graph.nodes_geometry_key] graph.edges[s][graph.edges_geometry_key] = LineString([p1, p2])
[docs]def fill_length_attribute(graph: GeoGraph, attribute_name="length", only_missing=True, method=None): """Fill the ``'length'`` attribute of the given networkX Graph. Parameters ---------- graph : GeoGraph graph to fill attribute_name : str The length attribute name to set (Default value = "length") only_missing : bool Compute the length only if the attribute is missing (Default value = True) method: str Method to compute the distance Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> g = gnx.GeoGraph(crs=gnx.WGS84_CRS) >>> g.add_edge(1, 2, geometry=gnx.LineString([(-73.614, 45.504), (-73.632, 45.506)])) >>> gnx.fill_length_attribute(g) # using geodesic distance >>> "%.2f" % g.edges[(1, 2)]["length"] '1424.17' >>> g.to_utm(inplace=True) >>> gnx.fill_length_attribute(g, only_missing=False) >>> "%.2f" % g.edges[(1, 2)]["length"] # using euclidian distance in UTM '1423.81' """ if method is None: method = get_default_distance_method_from_crs( edges_geometry = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, graph.edges_geometry_key) for e, line in edges_geometry.items(): edge_data = graph.edges[e] if (not only_missing) or attribute_name not in edge_data: edge_data[attribute_name] = measure_line_distance(line, method)
[docs]def fill_elevation_attribute(graph: GeoGraph, attribute_name="elevation[m]", only_missing=True): """Fill the ``elevation[m]`` attribute on nodes of the given geograph. The elevation is found with the `srtm` package. Graph crs has to be WGS84 standard, otherwise elevation data won't be consistent. Parameters ---------- graph : GeoGraph GeoGraph to modify attribute_name : str Attribute to fill (Default value = "elevation[m]") only_missing : bool Get the elevation and set it only if the node attribute is missing. (Default value = True) Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> g = gnx.GeoGraph(crs=gnx.WGS84_CRS) >>> g.add_edge(1, 2, geometry=gnx.LineString([(5.15, 45.504), (5.167, 45.506)])) >>> gnx.fill_elevation_attribute(g) >>> print(g.nodes[1]["elevation[m]"]) 393 """ if srtm is None: raise ImportError("Impossible to get elevation data, `srtm` package not found.") elevation_data = srtm.get_data() for n, data in graph.nodes(data=True): if (not only_missing) or attribute_name not in data: longitude, latitude = tuple(*data[graph.nodes_geometry_key].coords) elevation = elevation_data.get_elevation(latitude, longitude) if elevation is not None: data[attribute_name] = elevation
[docs]def join_lines_extremity_to_nodes_coordinates(graph: GeoGraph): """Modify the edges geometry attribute so that lines extremities match with nodes coordinates. Parameters ---------- graph : GeoGraph A geograph to modify """ edges_geometry = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, graph.edges_geometry_key) for e in edges_geometry: line = edges_geometry[e] to_replace = False first_node_coords = graph.get_node_coordinates(e[0]) if not coordinates_almost_equal(line.coords[0], first_node_coords): line = insert_point_in_line(line, first_node_coords, 0) to_replace = True second_node_coords = graph.get_node_coordinates(e[1]) if not coordinates_almost_equal(line.coords[-1], second_node_coords): line = insert_point_in_line(line, second_node_coords, len(line.coords)) to_replace = True if to_replace: graph.edges[e][graph.edges_geometry_key] = line
[docs]def get_line_start(graph: GeoGraph, e, line): """For a given edge, return the node constituting the line start with a closest node rule.""" uxy = graph.get_node_coordinates(e[0]) vxy = graph.get_node_coordinates(e[1]) first_extremity = line.coords[0] last_extremity = line.coords[-1] u_e1 = euclidian_distance_coordinates(uxy, first_extremity) v_e1 = euclidian_distance_coordinates(vxy, first_extremity) u_e2 = euclidian_distance_coordinates(uxy, last_extremity) v_e2 = euclidian_distance_coordinates(vxy, last_extremity) if u_e1 > v_e1 and u_e2 < v_e2: # u is closer to e2 and v is closer to e1 return e[1] elif u_e1 < v_e1 and u_e2 < v_e2: # u is closer to e1 and e2 than v if u_e1 > u_e2: return e[1] elif u_e1 > v_e1 and u_e2 > v_e2: # v in closer to e1 and e2 than u if v_e1 < v_e2: return e[1] else: return e[0]
[docs]def get_line_ordered_edge(graph: GeoGraph, e, line): """Return the given edge with the first node of the edge representing the first line point and the second node the last edge point. The closest node rule is applied.""" if get_line_start(graph, e, line) != e[0]: return (e[1], e[0], *e[2:]) else: return e
[docs]def order_well_lines(graph: GeoGraph): """Try to order well each geometry attribute of edges so that the first coordinates of the line string are the coordinates of the first vertex of the edge. The closest node rule is applied. If the graph is not oriented, the modification will be inconsistent (nodes declaration in edges views are not ordered). Euclidian distance is used here. Parameters ---------- graph : GeoGraph Graph on which to apply the ordering step. Modification is inplace. """ line_strings = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, graph.edges_geometry_key) for e, line in line_strings.items(): if get_line_start(graph, e, line) != e[0]: graph.edges[e][graph.edges_geometry_key] = LineString(reversed(line.coords))
[docs]def stringify_nodes(graph: nx.Graph, copy=True): """Modify the graph node names into strings.""" nx.relabel_nodes(graph, {n: str(n) for n in graph.nodes}, copy)
def is_nan(val) -> bool: return val is np.nan or val != val
[docs]def rename_nodes_attribute(graph: nx.Graph, old_name, new_name): """Rename nodes attribute defined by its old name to a new name.""" for n, d in graph.nodes(data=True): if old_name in d: d[new_name] = d.pop(old_name)
[docs]def rename_edges_attribute(graph: nx.Graph, old_name, new_name): """Rename edges attribute defined by its old name to a new name.""" for u, v, d in graph.edges(data=True): if old_name in d: d[new_name] = d.pop(old_name)
[docs]def hard_write_spatial_keys(graph: GeoGraph): """Write spatial keys in the graph attribute, so that if the default keys are used, they are propagated for special operations (e.g. composing graphs).""" for k, v in graph.get_spatial_keys().items(): setattr(graph, k, v)
[docs]def compose(G: GeoGraph, H: GeoGraph) -> GeoGraph: """Return a new graph of G composed with H. Makes sure the returned graph is consistent with respect to the spatial keys. (See ``nx.compose``). According to the priority rule in networkX, attributes from ``H`` take precedent over attributes from G.""" hard_write_spatial_keys(G) hard_write_spatial_keys(H) R = nx.compose(G, H) if G.nodes_geometry_key != H.nodes_geometry_key: rename_nodes_attribute(R, G.nodes_geometry_key, H.nodes_geometry_key) if G.edges_geometry_key != H.edges_geometry_key: rename_edges_attribute(R, G.edges_geometry_key, H.edges_geometry_key) return R
[docs]def get_distance(p1: Point, p2: Point, method: str) -> float: """Return the distance between the two given points with the given method. """ try: return settings.DISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_METHODS[method](p1, p2) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unknown method: '%s'. Known methods are: %s" % (str(method), str(list(settings.DISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_METHODS.keys()))))
[docs]def geographical_distance(graph: GeoGraph, node1, node2, method="great_circle") -> float: """Return the geographical distance between the two given nodes. Parameters ---------- graph : Geograph Geograph node1 First node label node2 Second node label method : str "vincenty", "euclidian", "great_circle" (Default value = "great_circle") Returns ------- float Distance between nodes, unit depends on the method. """ point1 = graph.nodes[node1][graph.nodes_geometry_key] point2 = graph.nodes[node2][graph.nodes_geometry_key] return get_distance(point1, point2, method)
[docs]def get_graph_bounding_box(graph: GeoGraph): """Return the bounding box coordinates of the given GeoGraph. It takes into account nodes and edges geometries.""" nodes = list(graph.get_nodes_as_point_series()) x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = MultiPoint(nodes).bounds bb = [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]] edges = graph.get_edges_as_line_series() if len(edges) > 0: edges_bounds = edges.bounds x_e_min, y_e_min = edges_bounds["minx"].min(), edges_bounds["miny"].min() x_e_max, y_e_max = edges_bounds["maxx"].max(), edges_bounds["maxy"].max() if x_min > x_e_min: bb[0][0] = x_e_min if y_min > y_e_min: bb[0][1] = y_e_min if x_max < x_e_max: bb[1][0] = x_e_max if y_max < y_e_max: bb[1][1] = y_e_max return bb
[docs]def get_closest_nodes(graph: GeoGraph, point: Point, k: int, **kwargs) -> list: """Return the ``k`` closest nodes from the given point. Euclidian distance is used here by default. Parameters ---------- graph: Geograph on which nodes are browsed point : Query point on which the distances from nodes are computed. k : Number of nodes to return. kwargs : Additional parameters to send to `scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query` method. Returns ------- list A list containing closest nodes labels. Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> g = gnx.GeoGraph() >>> g.add_nodes_from([(1, gnx.Point(1, 1)), ... (2, gnx.Point(-1, 3)), ... (3, gnx.Point(-1, -4)), ... (4, gnx.Point(-1, -1)), ... (5, gnx.Point(-10, 10))]) >>> cns = gnx.get_closest_nodes(g, gnx.Point(0, 0), 3) >>> print(cns) [1, 4, 2] """ nodes = graph.get_nodes_as_point_series() nodes_coords = np.array([[p.x, p.y] for p in nodes.values]) kd_tree = cKDTree(nodes_coords) _, nodes_ix = kd_tree.query(point, k, **kwargs) if k == 1: return nodes.index[nodes_ix] return [nodes.index[i] for i in nodes_ix]
[docs]def get_surrounding_nodes(graph: GeoGraph, point: Point, r: float, **kwargs) -> list: """Return all nodes that are within distance ``r`` of given point. Euclidian distance is used here by default. Parameters ---------- graph: Geograph on which nodes are browsed point : Query point on which the distances from nodes are computed. r : Maximum distance between point and nodes to return. kwargs : Additional parameters to send to scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query_ball_point method. Returns ------- list A list containing nodes labels that are within the distance. Examples -------- >>> import geonetworkx as gnx >>> g = gnx.GeoGraph() >>> g.add_nodes_from([(1, gnx.Point(1, 1)), ... (2, gnx.Point(-1, 3)), ... (3, gnx.Point(-1, -4)), ... (4, gnx.Point(-1, -1)), ... (5, gnx.Point(-10, 10))]) >>> sns = gnx.get_surrounding_nodes(g, gnx.Point(0, 0), 1.5) >>> print(sns) [1, 4] """ nodes = graph.get_nodes_as_point_series() nodes_coords = np.array([[p.x, p.y] for p in nodes.values]) kd_tree = cKDTree(nodes_coords) nodes_ix = kd_tree.query_ball_point(point, r, **kwargs) return [nodes.index[i] for i in nodes_ix]
[docs]def get_default_distance_method_from_crs(crs) -> str: """Return the default method for computing distances for the given CRS. Parameters ---------- crs Coordinate Reference System Returns ------- String representing the distance calculation method. """ if crs_equals(crs, settings.WGS84_CRS): return "geodesic" return "euclidian"
# Distance measurement method indexing settings.DISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_METHODS["euclidian"] = euclidian_distance settings.DISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_METHODS["geodesic"] = geodesic_distance settings.DISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_METHODS["great_circle"] = great_circle_distance settings.DISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_METHODS["vincenty"] = euclidian_distance