Source code for geonetworkx.utils.voronoi_utils

import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString, LineString, box, Polygon, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection
from shapely.ops import linemerge, polygonize, cascaded_union
import geopandas as gpd
from typing import Union
from collections import defaultdict
    import pyvoronoi
except ImportError:
    pyvoronoi = None

GenericLine = Union[LineString, MultiLineString]

[docs]class PyVoronoiHelper: """Add-on for the pyvoronoi (boost voronoi) tool. It computes the voronoi cells within a bounding box.""" def __init__(self, points: list, segments: list, bounding_box_coords: list, scaling_factor=100000.0): if pyvoronoi is None: raise ImportError("Impossible to use Voronoi utils, `pyvoronoi` package not found.") self.pv = pyvoronoi.Pyvoronoi(scaling_factor) for p in points: self.pv.AddPoint(p) for s in segments: self.pv.AddSegment(s) self.pv.Construct() self.discretization_tolerance = 10000 / scaling_factor self.bounding_box_coords = bounding_box_coords
[docs] def get_cells_as_gdf(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Returns the voronoi cells in `geodataframe` with a column named `id` referencing the index of the associated input geometry.""" gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=["id", "geometry"]) cells_geometries = self.get_cells_as_polygons() gdf["geometry"] = list(cells_geometries.values()) gdf["id"] = list(cells_geometries.keys()) return gdf
[docs] def get_cells_as_polygons(self) -> dict: """Return the voronoi cells as polygons trimmed with the bounding box.""" diagonal_length = np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.bounding_box_coords[0]) - np.array(self.bounding_box_coords[1])) cells_coordinates = self.get_cells_coordiates(eta=diagonal_length, discretization_tolerance=self.discretization_tolerance) bounding_box = box(self.bounding_box_coords[0][0], self.bounding_box_coords[0][1], self.bounding_box_coords[1][0], self.bounding_box_coords[1][1]) cells_as_polygons = dict() for i, coords in cells_coordinates.items(): if len(coords) > 2: polygon = Polygon(coords) if not polygon.is_valid: polygon = self.repair_polygon(polygon) trimmed_polygon = polygon.intersection(bounding_box) cells_as_polygons[i] = trimmed_polygon return cells_as_polygons
[docs] @staticmethod def repair_polygon(polygon: Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon]) -> Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon]: """Repair an invalid polygon. It works in most cases but it has no guarantee of success.""" bowtie_repaired_polygon = PyVoronoiHelper.repair_bowtie_polygon(polygon) if not bowtie_repaired_polygon.is_valid: return polygon.buffer(0.0) else: return bowtie_repaired_polygon
[docs] @staticmethod def repair_bowtie_polygon(polygon: Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon]) -> MultiPolygon: """Repair an invalid polygon for the 'bowtie' case.""" p_ext = polygon.exterior self_intersection = p_ext.intersection(p_ext) mp = MultiPolygon(polygonize(self_intersection)) return mp
[docs] def get_cells_coordiates(self, eta=1.0, discretization_tolerance=0.05) -> dict: """"Parse the results of ``pyvoronoi`` to compute the voronoi cells coordinates. The infinite ridges are projected at a ``eta`` distance in the ridge direction. Parameters ---------- eta : float Distance for infinite ridges projection. (Default value = 1.0) discretization_tolerance : float Discretization distance for curved edges. (Default value = 0.05) Returns ------- dict A dictionary mapping the cells ids and their coordinates. """ vertices = self.pv.GetVertices() cells = self.pv.GetCells() edges = self.pv.GetEdges() cells_coordinates = dict() for c in cells: cell_coords = [] for e in c.edges: edge = edges[e] start_vertex = vertices[edge.start] if edge.start != -1 else None end_vertex = vertices[edge.end] if edge.end != -1 else None if edge.start == -1 or edge.end == -1: self.clip_infinite_edge(cell_coords, edge, eta) else: if edge.is_linear: self.add_polygon_coordinates(cell_coords, [start_vertex.X, start_vertex.Y]) self.add_polygon_coordinates(cell_coords, [end_vertex.X, end_vertex.Y]) else: try: coords_to_add = [] for p in self.pv.DiscretizeCurvedEdge(e, discretization_tolerance): coords_to_add.append(p) cell_coords.extend(coords_to_add) except pyvoronoi.UnsolvableParabolaEquation: self.add_polygon_coordinates(cell_coords, [start_vertex.X, start_vertex.Y]) self.add_polygon_coordinates(cell_coords, [end_vertex.X, end_vertex.Y]) cells_coordinates[c.cell_identifier] = cell_coords return cells_coordinates
[docs] def clip_infinite_edge(self, cell_coords: list, edge: "pyvoronoi.Edge", eta: float): """Fill infinite edge coordinate by placing the infinite vertex to a ``eta`` distance of the known vertex.""" cell = self.pv.GetCell(edge.cell) twin_edge = self.pv.GetEdge(edge.twin) twin_cell = self.pv.GetCell(twin_edge.cell) # Infinite edges could not be created by two segment sites. if cell.contains_point and twin_cell.contains_point: first_point = self.pv.RetrieveScaledPoint(cell) second_point = self.pv.RetrieveScaledPoint(twin_cell) origin = np.array([(first_point[0] + second_point[0]) / 2.0, (first_point[1] + second_point[1]) / 2.0]) ridge_direction = np.array([first_point[1] - second_point[1], second_point[0] - first_point[0]]) else: if cell.contains_segment: origin = np.array(self.pv.RetrieveScaledPoint(twin_cell)) segment = np.array(self.pv.RetriveScaledSegment(cell)) else: origin = np.array(self.pv.RetrieveScaledPoint(cell)) segment = np.array(self.pv.RetriveScaledSegment(twin_cell)) dx = segment[1][0] - segment[0][0] dy = segment[1][1] - segment[0][1] if (np.linalg.norm(segment[0] - origin) == 0.0) != cell.contains_point: ridge_direction = np.array([dy, -dx]) else: ridge_direction = np.array([-dy, dx]) ridge_direction /= np.linalg.norm(ridge_direction) if edge.start == -1: ridge_point_projected = origin - ridge_direction * eta self.add_polygon_coordinates(cell_coords, ridge_point_projected) else: start_vertex = self.pv.GetVertex(edge.start) self.add_polygon_coordinates(cell_coords, [start_vertex.X, start_vertex.Y]) if edge.end == -1: ridge_point_projected = origin + ridge_direction * eta self.add_polygon_coordinates(cell_coords, ridge_point_projected) else: end_vertex = self.pv.GetVertex(edge.end) self.add_polygon_coordinates(cell_coords, [end_vertex.X, end_vertex.Y])
[docs] @staticmethod def add_polygon_coordinates(coordinates: list, point: list): """Add given point to given coordinates list if is not the equal to the last coordinates.""" if coordinates: last_point = coordinates[-1] if last_point[0] == point[0] and last_point[1] == point[1]: return coordinates.append(point)
[docs]def split_linestring_as_simple_linestrings(line: GenericLine) -> list: """Split a linestring if it is not simple (i.e. it crosses itself).""" if not line.is_simple: mls = line.intersection(line) if line.geom_type == 'LineString' and mls.geom_type == 'MultiLineString': mls = linemerge(mls) return list(mls) else: return [line]
[docs]def split_as_simple_segments(lines: list, tol=1e-7) -> defaultdict: """Split a list of lines to simple segments (linestring composed by two points). All returned segments do not cross themselves except at extremities. Parameters ---------- lines : list List of lines to split tol : float Tolerance to test if a line is a sub line of another one. (Default value = 1e-7) Returns ------- defaultdict A dictionary mapping for each input line index, the list of simple segments. """ split_lines_mapping = defaultdict(list) all_split_lines = split_linestring_as_simple_linestrings(MultiLineString(lines)) j = 0 sub_line = all_split_lines[j] nb_simple_segments = len(all_split_lines) end_mapping = False for i, line in enumerate(lines): while line.buffer(tol, 1).contains(sub_line): split_lines_mapping[i].append(sub_line) j += 1 if j >= nb_simple_segments: end_mapping = True break sub_line = all_split_lines[j] if end_mapping: break return split_lines_mapping
[docs]def compute_voronoi_cells_from_lines(lines: list, tolerance=1e-7) -> list: """Compute the voronoi cells of given generic lines. Input linestrings can be not simple. Parameters ---------- lines : list List of ``LineString`` tolerance : float Tolerance for the voronoi cells computation (Two points will be considered equal if their coordinates are equal when rounded at ``tolerance``). (Default value = 1e-7) Returns ------- list A list of cells geometries. """ simple_segments_mapping = split_as_simple_segments(lines, tolerance) all_segments = [list(s.coords) for i in range(len(lines)) for s in simple_segments_mapping[i]] bounds = MultiLineString(lines).bounds bb = [[bounds[0], bounds[1]], [bounds[2], bounds[3]]] pvh = PyVoronoiHelper([], segments=all_segments, bounding_box_coords=bb, scaling_factor=1 / tolerance) gdf = pvh.get_cells_as_gdf() gdf = gdf[list(map(lambda i: isinstance(i, Polygon), gdf["geometry"]))].copy() gdf["site"] = [pvh.pv.GetCell(c).site for c in gdf["id"]] lines_cells = [] ct = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): line_polygons = [] for s in simple_segments_mapping[i]: for p in gdf[gdf["site"] == ct]["geometry"]: line_polygons.append(p) ct += 1 merged_polygon = cascaded_union(line_polygons) if isinstance(merged_polygon, GeometryCollection): if len(merged_polygon) == 0: continue merged_polygon = MultiPolygon(merged_polygon) lines_cells.append(merged_polygon) return lines_cells