Source code for geonetworkx.generators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import networkx as nx
from geonetworkx.geograph import GeoGraph
from geonetworkx import settings
from geonetworkx.geometry_operations import split_line
from geonetworkx.utils.geograph_utils import get_line_start

[docs]def _get_ego_boundaries(graph: GeoGraph, ego_graph: GeoGraph, n, radius: float, distance=None) -> tuple: """Retrieve all information to build an extended ego-graph. See ``gnx.extended_ego_graph`` for more info.""" if graph.is_multigraph(): out_edges_options = {"keys": True} else: out_edges_options = {} boundary_nodes = [] boundary_edges = dict() for u in ego_graph.nodes: node_edges = graph.edges(u, **out_edges_options) for e in node_edges: v = e[1] if v in ego_graph.nodes: continue edge_data = graph.edges[e] if graph.edges_geometry_key not in edge_data: continue # The distance d(n, u) has already been computed in the networkx ego graph method, # but for the sake of code simplicity, we are doing it again here. d_n_u = nx.dijkstra_path_length(graph, n, u, weight=distance) edge_distance = edge_data.get(distance, 1) distance_margin = radius - d_n_u interpolation_factor = distance_margin / edge_distance edge_geometry = edge_data[graph.edges_geometry_key] edge_length = edge_geometry.length if get_line_start(graph, e, edge_geometry) == u: interpolation_distance = interpolation_factor * edge_length inside_line_part_index = 0 else: interpolation_distance = (1.0 - interpolation_factor) * edge_length inside_line_part_index = 1 if interpolation_distance <= 0 or interpolation_distance >= edge_length: continue b_node_point = edge_geometry.interpolate(interpolation_distance) b_node_name = settings.BOUNDARY_NODE_PREFIX + str(u) + '_' + str(v) boundary_nodes.append((b_node_name, {graph.nodes_geometry_key: b_node_point})) split_edge = split_line(edge_geometry, interpolation_distance) inside_edge_data = {graph.edges_geometry_key: split_edge[inside_line_part_index], distance: distance_margin} outside_edge_data = {graph.edges_geometry_key: split_edge[1 - inside_line_part_index], distance: edge_distance - distance_margin} boundary_edges[e] = [(u, b_node_name, inside_edge_data), (b_node_name, v, outside_edge_data)] return boundary_nodes, boundary_edges
[docs]def extended_ego_graph(graph: GeoGraph, n, radius=1, center=True, undirected=False, distance=None) -> GeoGraph: """Returns induced subgraph of neighbors centered at node n within a given radius extended by interpolated nodes on boundary edges. Note that the returned graph is not a subgraph of the input graph because it will have boundary nodes in addition. It means that a node is added on each edge leaving the ego-graph to represent the furthest reachable point on this edge. The boundary node is added at given node using a linear interpolation. A boundary node :math:`b` will be added on the edge :math:`(u, v)` if :math:`d(n, u) < radius < d(n, v)`. The boundary will be placed along the edge geometry at the following distance: .. math:: d(u, b) = \\frac{\\text{radius} - d(n, u)}{d(u, v)} Furthermore, the attribute ``distance`` is filled with the value :math:`d(u, b)`. Parameters ---------- graph : GeoGraph, GeoDiGraph, GeoMultiGraph or GeoMultiDiGraph A Geograph or subclass n : A single source node radius : float or int Include all neighbors of distance<=radius from n. (Default value = 1) center : bool If False, do not include center node in graph (Default value = True) undirected : bool If True use both in- and out-neighbors of directed graphs. (Default value = False) distance : str Use specified edge data key as distance. For example, setting distance='weight' will use the edge weight to measure the distance from the node n. (Default value = None) Returns ------- GeoGraph, GeoDiGraph, GeoMultiGraph or GeoMultiDiGraph The resulting graph with node, edge, and graph attributes copied. See Also -------- add_ego_boundary_nodes """ ego_graph = nx.ego_graph(graph, n, radius, center=True, undirected=undirected, distance=distance) if undirected: working_graph = graph.to_undirected() else: working_graph = graph # Retrieve boundary edge and cut geometries boundary_nodes, boundary_edges = _get_ego_boundaries(working_graph, ego_graph, n, radius, distance) ego_graph.add_nodes_from(boundary_nodes) edges_to_add = [] for e, ego_edges in boundary_edges.items(): edges_to_add.append(ego_edges[0]) ego_graph.add_edges_from(edges_to_add) if not center: ego_graph.remove_node(n) return ego_graph
[docs]def add_ego_boundary_nodes(graph: GeoGraph, n, radius, distance, undirected=False): """Modify the given graph to add boundary nodes at exact radius distance. An edge :math:`(u, v)` is a boundary edge if :math:`(u, v)` if :math:`d(n, u) < radius < d(n, v)`. A boundary node is added on the edge to represent the ego- graph limit. See ``gnx.extended_ego_graph`` for more info. Parameters ---------- graph : GeoGraph, GeoDiGraph, GeoMultiGraph or GeoMultiDiGraph Input graph to modify n : A single source node radius : float or int Include all neighbors of distance<=radius from n. distance : str Use specified edge data key as distance. For example, setting distance='weight' will use the edge weight to measure the distance from the node n. undirected : bool If True use both in- and out-neighbors of directed graphs. (Default value = False) See Also -------- extended_ego_graph """ ego_graph = nx.ego_graph(graph, n, radius, center=True, undirected=undirected, distance=distance) if undirected: working_graph = graph.to_undirected() else: working_graph = graph # Retrieve boundary edge and cut geometries boundary_nodes, boundary_edges = _get_ego_boundaries(working_graph, ego_graph, n, radius, distance) graph.add_nodes_from(boundary_nodes) edges_to_add = [] for e, ego_edges in boundary_edges.items(): edges_to_add.extend(ego_edges) graph.remove_edge(*e) graph.add_edges_from(edges_to_add)