Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from networkx.classes.filters import no_filter
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from geonetworkx.geograph import GeoGraph
import geonetworkx.settings as settings
from geonetworkx.geometry_operations import get_closest_line_from_points, split_line, coordinates_almost_equal, \
from geonetworkx.utils import get_new_node_unique_name, euclidian_distance, get_line_ordered_edge, is_nan, compose
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]def spatial_points_merge(graph: GeoGraph, points_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, inplace=False, merge_direction="both", node_filter=no_filter, edge_filter=no_filter, intersection_nodes_attr=None, discretization_tol=None) -> GeoGraph: """Merge given points as node with a spatial merge. Points are projected on the closest edge of the graph and an intersection node is added if necessary. If two nodes a given point and a node have the same name, with equal coordinates, then the node is considered as already in the graph. A discretization tolerance is used for indexing edges lines. New nodes created from the geodataframe have attributes described by other columns (except if an attribute value is `nan`). When a point is projected on an edge, this edge is removed and replaced by two others that connect the extremities to the intersection node. A reference to the original edge is kept on theses new edges with the attribute ``settings.ORIGINAL_EDGE_KEY``. The original edge is the oldest parent of the new edge, to have the direct parent, the attribute has to be cleant first. Parameters ---------- graph : GeoGraph, GeoDiGraph, GeoMultiGraph or GeoMultiDiGraph A GeoGraph or derived class describing a spatial graph. points_gdf : gpd.GeoDataFrame A list of point describing new nodes to add. inplace : bool If True, do operation inplace and return None. (Default value = False) merge_direction : str For directed graphs only: * ``'both'``: 2 edges are added: graph -> new node and new node -> graph * ``'in'``: 1 edge is added: new_node -> graph * ``'out'``: 1 edge is added: graph -> new_node (Default value = "both") node_filter : A node filter (lambda) to exclude nodes (and by the way all concerned edges) from the projection operation. (Default value = no_filter) edge_filter : An edge filter (lambda) to exclude edges on which the projection will not take place. (Default value = no_filter) intersection_nodes_attr : dict A dictionary of attributes (constant for all added intersection nodes). (Default value = None) discretization_tol: float A custom discretization tolerance for lines. If None, tolerance with the right order of magnitude is pre-defined for some CRS. For more details, see ``gnx.get_default_discretization_tolerance`` method. (Default value = None) Returns ------- None or GeoGraph If not inplace, the created graph. See Also -------- spatial_graph_merge gnx.get_default_discretization_tolerance """ if not inplace: graph = graph.copy() # 1. Find closest edge for each point graph_view = nx.graphviews.subgraph_view(graph, filter_node=node_filter, filter_edge=edge_filter) edges_as_lines = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph_view, graph.edges_geometry_key) if len(edges_as_lines) == 0: raise ValueError("No edge geometry has been found in the given merging edges, at least one edge geometry is" " required for a merge operation") points = points_gdf.geometry points_coords = np.array([[p.x, p.y] for p in points]) if discretization_tol is None: discretization_tol = get_default_discretization_tolerance( lines_indexes = get_closest_line_from_points(points_coords, edges_as_lines.values(), discretization_tol) edges_to_split = defaultdict(dict) # Add node, intersection node and edge (node, intersection node) for p, p_index, point in zip(range(len(points_gdf)), points_gdf.index, points): # 1.1 Add given node if p_index in graph.nodes: if coordinates_almost_equal([point.x, point.y], graph.get_node_coordinates(p_index)): continue else: node_name = get_new_node_unique_name(graph, p_index) else: node_name = p_index node_info = {c:[p_index, c] for c in points_gdf.columns if not is_nan([p_index, c])} node_info[graph.nodes_geometry_key] = point graph.add_node(node_name, **node_info) # 1.2 Add projected node if necessary closest_edge_name = list(edges_as_lines.keys())[lines_indexes[p]] closest_line = edges_as_lines[closest_edge_name] closest_line_length = closest_line.length intersection_distance_on_line = closest_line.project(point) # if the intersection point is on the edge if 0 < intersection_distance_on_line < closest_line_length: projected_point = closest_line.interpolate(intersection_distance_on_line) intersection_node_name = get_new_node_unique_name(graph, settings.INTERSECTION_PREFIX + str(p_index)) intersection_node_info = {graph.nodes_geometry_key: projected_point} if intersection_nodes_attr is not None: intersection_node_info.update(intersection_nodes_attr) graph.add_node(intersection_node_name, **intersection_node_info) # Store line to modify edges_to_split[closest_edge_name][intersection_node_name] = intersection_distance_on_line else: # if the intersection point is on of the two edge extremities first_node = closest_edge_name[0] first_node_point = graph.nodes[first_node][graph.nodes_geometry_key] second_node = closest_edge_name[1] second_node_point = graph.nodes[second_node][graph.nodes_geometry_key] distance_to_first_extremity = euclidian_distance(point, first_node_point) distance_to_second_extremity = euclidian_distance(point, second_node_point) if distance_to_first_extremity < distance_to_second_extremity: intersection_node_name = first_node else: intersection_node_name = second_node # 1.3 Add edge : node <-> intersection_node in_edge_data = {graph.edges_geometry_key: LineString([graph.get_node_coordinates(node_name), graph.get_node_coordinates(intersection_node_name)])} if graph.is_directed(): out_edge_data = {graph.edges_geometry_key: LineString([graph.get_node_coordinates(intersection_node_name), graph.get_node_coordinates(node_name)])} if merge_direction == "both": graph.add_edge(node_name, intersection_node_name, **in_edge_data) graph.add_edge(intersection_node_name, node_name, **out_edge_data) elif merge_direction == "in": graph.add_edge(node_name, intersection_node_name, **in_edge_data) else: # "out" graph.add_edge(intersection_node_name, node_name, **out_edge_data) else: graph.add_edge(node_name, intersection_node_name, **in_edge_data) # 2. Split edges where a node have been projected for e in edges_to_split: intersection_nodes = edges_to_split[e] if len(intersection_nodes) > 0: initial_line = edges_as_lines[e] # 2.1 remove initial edge and keep in memory the original edge original_edge_data = {settings.ORIGINAL_EDGE_KEY: graph.edges[e].get(settings.ORIGINAL_EDGE_KEY, e)} if graph.has_edge(*e): graph.remove_edge(*e) # 2.2 cut the initial line sorted_intersection_nodes = sorted(intersection_nodes.keys(), key=lambda n: intersection_nodes[n]) distances_on_initial_line = [intersection_nodes[n] for n in sorted_intersection_nodes] split_lines = [] cut_lines = split_line(initial_line, distances_on_initial_line[0]) split_lines.append(cut_lines[0]) for i in range(len(sorted_intersection_nodes) - 1): cut_lines = split_line(cut_lines[1], distances_on_initial_line[i + 1] - distances_on_initial_line[i]) split_lines.append(cut_lines[0]) split_lines.append(cut_lines[1]) # 2.2 add intermediary edges oriented_edge = get_line_ordered_edge(graph, e, initial_line) first_edge_data = {graph.edges_geometry_key: split_lines[0], **original_edge_data} graph.add_edge(oriented_edge[0], sorted_intersection_nodes[0], **first_edge_data) last_edge_data = {graph.edges_geometry_key: split_lines[-1], **original_edge_data} graph.add_edge(sorted_intersection_nodes[-1], oriented_edge[1], **last_edge_data) for i in range(len(sorted_intersection_nodes) - 1): edge_data = {graph.edges_geometry_key: split_lines[i + 1], **original_edge_data} graph.add_edge(sorted_intersection_nodes[i], sorted_intersection_nodes[i + 1], **edge_data) if not inplace: return graph
[docs]def spatial_graph_merge(base_graph: GeoGraph, other_graph: GeoGraph, inplace=False, merge_direction="both", node_filter=None, intersection_nodes_attr=None, discretization_tol=None): """Operates spatial merge between two graphs. Spatial edge projection is used on merging nodes (see ``spatial_points_merge``). The ``base_graph`` attributes have higher priority than the ``other_graph`` attributes ( i.e. if graphs have common graph attributes, nodes or edges, the ``base_graph`` attributes will be kept). Parameters ---------- base_graph : GeoGraph, GeoDiGraph, GeoMultiGraph or GeoMultiDiGraph Base graph on which the merge operation is done. other_graph : GeoGraph, GeoDiGraph, GeoMultiGraph or GeoMultiDiGraph Input graph to merge. Modified graph if operation is done inplace. inplace : bool If True, do operation inplace and return None. (Default value = False) merge_direction : str See ``spatial_points_merge`` (Default value = "both") node_filter : Lambda returning if a given node (from the ``other_graph`` graph) has to be merged. (Default value = None) intersection_nodes_attr : str A dictionary of attributes (constant for all added intersection nodes). (Default value = None) discretization_tol: float A custom discretization tolerance for lines. If None, tolerance with the right order of magnitude is pre-defined for some CRS. For more details, see ``gnx.get_default_discretization_tolerance`` method. (Default value = None) Returns ------- None or GeoGraph A new graph with the same type as ``base_graph`` if not inplace. See Also -------- spatial_points_merge """ if base_graph.is_directed() != other_graph.is_directed(): raise ValueError("Merging a directed graph and an undirected graph is ambiguous") if base_graph.is_multigraph() != other_graph.is_multigraph(): raise ValueError("Given graphs must both be graphs or multigraph") if node_filter is not None: other_graph_view = nx.graphviews.subgraph_view(other_graph, node_filter) else: other_graph_view = other_graph if other_graph_view.number_of_nodes() == 0: raise ValueError("Given graph has no nodes to project.") nodes_gdf = other_graph_view.nodes_to_gdf() if inplace: spatial_points_merge(base_graph, nodes_gdf, inplace=inplace, merge_direction=merge_direction, intersection_nodes_attr=intersection_nodes_attr, discretization_tol=discretization_tol) merged_graph = base_graph else: merged_graph = spatial_points_merge(base_graph, nodes_gdf, inplace=inplace, merge_direction=merge_direction, intersection_nodes_attr=intersection_nodes_attr, discretization_tol=discretization_tol) merged_graph = compose(other_graph, merged_graph) if not inplace: return merged_graph